I've been moving my hands a lot lately.
As well as trying to finish Equinox Yoke Pullover from Interweave Knits Fall 2006, Which should become something like this:

And instead is like this (I strated it right after Christmas, but got caught up by other projects and now picked it up, for in the light of possible translocation I need to get UFOs finished and as mucha s yarn possible used up):

And the true colors:

It now has been waiting for that free evening of weave-the-million ends-sew-up-garment-motivation. I think you see my problem.
Plus I am afraid to sew it up and re-block for it is obviously too short now, and maybe it won't "stretch" :(
I also have once again fallen into the Norah Gaughan entrapment skills and followed by the glorious arrival of the book called "Knitting Nature" which made me dig out my Debbie Bliss Cathay and start knitting franctically hoping to finish it before Ponte...

instead it made a blister on my finger and made me realize that this is yet-another-to-cry-about-Gaughan-sans-néné-design.
Does anyone have an idea how to make the floppy "ears" below armpits go away. Blocking doesn't help. I have hope in placing straps differently or maybe.... I just have to rip.
In the mean time, for I was saddened by my 2-in-a-row instantunsuccessfulnesses I started yet another project:
Forecast from Knitty.
About which I blabbed a little
And would like to emphasize at this point the importance of local markets, specially when they carry better yarns than local yarn shops do. And cheaper prices, for the yarn is produced in small farms and sold exclusevely on local markets, you just have to find the right stall.
In these occasions you are truly reminded that largely the best and most beautiful yarns from Europe are made in Italy.
And while celebrating the long weekend il Ponte (28th April - 1st May) in Pescara I found a yarn shop and bought, guess what, of course, yarn. This time the shiny and soft and elegant Filatura di Crosa Millefini Fine 100% cotton:

Aren't the colors just great?
It is turning into another Clapotis, one of my favourtie patterns:
che meraviglia immagino che per il prossimo incontro lo porterai indosso. sarà il 19 maggio il prossimo incontro?,io purtroppo ho un matrimonio perciò non riesco a venire ;( ciao ingrid
Non preoccuparti ... sono sicura che il tuo Equinox Yoke Pullover ti andrà benissimo! E' troppo bello!!!
E il tuo baby sei è carinissimo ... cavolo, oltre che brava sei anche molto fantasiosa!!
Ciao ciao
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