I made the stockings a) longer b) more shaped c) followed only the lace and colored pattern part. Then got tired of reading and made the heel and tip like my mom teached me when I was beginning to knit my first socks years ago.

I must say that the best sock yarn is Shetland type, like Estonian wool for many reasons... it might not be the softest one and it makes you itchy if your skin is tender, but, hey, use a pair of light cotton socks under.
1) it's very very resistant
2) it goes only softer with every wash (only handwash, with natural detersive if possible)
3) it stays in form
4) it's warm when it's cold and doesn't make your feet sweat even if it's warm outside (of course I don't recommend wearing them with 25+ C)

Needles: 2 mm
PAttern: Modified "Rita's Stockings"
Ma sono bellissime!
grazie! sono contentissima anch'io!
Me le ricordo ... sono quelle che stavi cercando di finire allo S'n'B a Milano! Belle!
Io sto quasi finendo il mio primo calzino ... mi manca solo la punta :o)
A presto
Bellissime, Ing! Complimenti!!! ho anch'io il libro. Ora però sto facendo le Highland Schottische Kilt Hose dal libro Folk socks di Nancy Bush, che ti consiglio. le puoi vedere finite in diversi blog: http://myblog.de/stricky (purtroppo solo in tedesco)http://mustaavillaa.blogspot.com/2007_03_01_archive.html (finlandese e inglese). Tanti saluti da Amburgo
These do look cool!
Tore et eesti mustrid nii kuulsad on laias maailmas!!!
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