Last week I participated in a small course of freeform crochet and knitting given by Prudence Mapstone here in Singapore.
We actually met two days earlier at a local knit out, where she showed us some of her marvelous creations as well as gave a demo of freeform crochet. In 20 minutes she came up with this and I was hooked:

So hooked that that night I stayed up very very late and kept trying to crochet very misshapen bullions.
I asked a lot of questions about Prudence's knitty-crochety life that evening ;) so that two days later at Betsy's place I was very eager to know the little tricks of freeforming. Prudence is such a marvelous teacher that the three hours just flew by and I continued crocheting my piece also at home.
We had a truly enlightening evening and hopefully I'll be able to meet Prudence somewhere else as well - after all, the world is tiny.

Anyways, after some ripping (yes, yes, I know this ought not be part of freeforming, but a wrong color choice and huge ruffles kinda didn't work for me at all) and some more experimenting I decided to finish my red explorations with this:

I'm currently working on another scrumble in blues and having great time doing it. Actually this is the downfall of the promise I made not to buy more yarn! And an invitation to avid knitters I know - if you have some yards leftover yarn then one way to liberate yourself of their existence is offer them to me :P (I do realize that what I just proposed is very outrageously naive, but it doesn't hurt to try).