These days I am doing this most of my time:

because I'm faced with this:
Taking it all to pieces:
Chevalier mitts - one is done, but I need to frog it, because I knit it way too tight. Second is just a few rows from the end and looks a lot better with the changed gauge and modifications I made.

This is going to be my granny's mitten-matching hat, which just awaits until I finish mitts and can use the leftover yarn to knit top part of the hat. Did I already mention that it ought to be done TODAY?
Next on my knitting schedule:
Little lady's warm winter depends on whether I will stick to my plan and finish a pair of pants and /or mitts, socks, scarf and hat in the next three days. Which is doubtful, because I'm behind with my granny's gift. I may do the smaller pieces on the plane. Note to myself: get bamboo circulars and dpns. And oh, yes, buttons.
Make second note: find all the notes on scraps of paper and write together the pattern. Maybe on the plane? Erm.. the flight is during the night... shooo....
Next Monday should start with this:
I've planned total of 2,5 - 3 days on it, because I need to do my maths well and then cut - and not just one thing, but 4 - two sleeves and two body pieces! Pick up the stitches, knit the body and sleeves longer in stockinette stitch and then graft the sleeves. Then hide the million and two ends... yeah, can do it... in my dreams...
And then I have this:
Which is Anke Leen's sweater. Yeah, I know... plus she needs mitts, hat and scarf and maybe, just maybe, I can squeeze in some woolen socks as well. Deadline: 18th December. Planned number of days for sweater - 4. Planned knitting of small pieces: before or during flight. Oh, right, the flight is already planned full.
And this:

Which isn't exactly a Christmas project, but was meant to be traveling project. Looking at it all now: for my !next! trip over continent... maybe.
All my knitting right now totals to 16 days, and it ought to be done for the 22nd. Most of these things have to be ready for the 18th though. But knowing all sorts of things always come popping out, I'm not that confident.
Not not mention housework, some shopping for other gifts and household items, finding a maid for when I'm away and running tons of other errands, meeting up with some people and such. Luckily Saturday evening's dinner was canceled and I do not have to spend near 8 hours shopping and cooking and cleaning. Woohoo, knitting time.