I went to local bookstore Popular on Saturday to get some reading books for my daughter and stopped by the magazine section as well. Even though major part of the magazines sold are about embroidery, bead work or even crocheting, sometimes one might get lucky and get something about knitting as well.
I found Piecework. And this time it was all about knitting. I've been eying the Rovaniemi mitten technique for quite awhile now so I mainly got the magazine for this. I also was intrigued by the poetry in stitches mittens. I also found knitting in Lithuania article enlightening and was happy to find an article about kimonos.
The rest of the projects were a little simple for me on the first glance so I didn't care to read them. And then suddenly looking at the cover I saw a title: "Traditional Estonian Lace" ---- my first reaction was: hey, how could I have missed that before, it has been staring me most of the afternoon!
It shouldn't be a huge surprise though. Nancy Bush is fond of Estonian colour work, traveling stitches and knitting techniques; Evelyn A. Clark uses a lot of Estonian shawl patterns to create her own artworks: in the last few years there have been quite a few articles and patterns in Interweave Knits and Vogue Knitting mentioning Estonia; and with each year, more and more people come more interested of our knitting heritage. It's not much for big countries, but believe me, when your people are about 1 million in the entire world and your country has no real influence in the history or economics or science or literature, then our crafts are about all we can be really proud of.